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MATerials, Interfaces, Surfaces, Environment

Calls for projects

  1. PhD students and postdocs Recruitment
  2. Scholars or visiting professors
  3. Events

PhD students and postdocs Recruitment

The objective is to start ambitious and innovative projects, within MATISSE research topics, and foster new collaborations between at least two teams of MATISSE. Projects can involve teams of IDEX, which are not in MATISSE, provided that the carrier is. Projects may also exceptionally involve two teams from the same big laboratory. There is also a call for projects "Industrial partnerships".


The selection procedure is done in 2 steps:

  • Pre-selection by the axis steering committees with internal expertise
  • Hearing pre-selected by the executive committee and leaders of thematic axes committee projects

Scholars or visiting professors

The submission of applications will be continuous. Applications will be reviewed by the steering committee MATISSE.


Bidding for the home of professors / researchers invited

The guest researcher support is capped at € 4,000 per month for a period of one month, based on the real mission costs under the terms of UPMC (travel, accommodation, per diem expenses conference).

The submission of applications will be continuous. Applications will be reviewed by the steering committee MATISSE.


Matisse supports events (seminars, schools, etc.) that benefit the community  (participation of members of MATISSE invitation of speakers to give a seminar in the framework of Labex, etc.).

The submission of applications will be continuous. Applications will be reviewed by the steering committee MATISSE.


Traductions :

Key figures


4 disciplines

  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Earth Science
  • Cultural heritage

18 partners


400 researchers


Direction :

Florence Babonneau

Administration :

Laurence Bonnet-Lericque

Communication :



matisse @ upmc.fr

Tél. (33) 1 44 27 62 36