Who are we ?
The LabEx MATISSE (MATerials, Interfaces, Surfaces, Environment) a Sorbonne Universités project, consists of 18 partners from the University Pierre et Marie Curie, CNRS, the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris-Sorbonne University, the College de France, ENS, ESPCI ParisTech, Chimie ParisTech, IRD, the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication and IFP Energies nouvelles.
It brings together unique physical and chemical expertise in the synthesis of materials, in characterization of properties from the nanoscale to kilometer, eventually under extreme conditions, and finally in the simulation of properties related to composition, dimension and functionality.
MATISSE aims to understand the fundamental principles governing the organization of matter in order to develop novel materials by changing their dimensionality and functionality. To achieve this we wish to use an original approach by drawing parallels between natural and synthetic materials with a simultaneous involvement of chemistry, physics and earth sciences. This will lead to a better understanding and mastery of materials in interaction with the environment (problems related to alteration, biodegradation, contamination) and materials specifically designed for the environment (problems related to pollution, green catalysis, natural resource management).
Technology Transfer
MATISSE has received outstanding support from its industrial partners, reflecting their confidence in its skills and its ability to address key issues in materials science. These include among others, the management of mineral resources, waste disposal, protection against corrosion, soil remediation, and development of environmentally friendly materials. For all aspects involving technology transfer MATISSE will rely on the Société d'Accélération du Transfert de Technologie LUTECH (Sorbonne Universités/CNRS). Finally MATISSE will also work in symbiosis with French cultural agencies by making available scientific and technical advances for conservation purposes, and for heritage management and development.
MATISSE will participate in the development of interdisciplinary programs and/or international programs at the Masters and PhD level. Students and doctoral researchers involved in the projects supported by the industrial partners of MATISSE will contribute to a reservoir of highly skilled workers sought by the academic and industrial sectors.
Director's message

MATISSE is an acronym for Matériaux, Interfaces, Surfaces et Environnement (Materials, Interfaces, Surfaces and Environment). The aim of this project is to bring together scientific expertise and technical skills of laboratories of the UPMC working on aspects related to materials in Chemistry, Physics...
Key figures
4 disciplines
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Earth Science
- Cultural heritage
18 partners
400 researchers
Direction :
Florence Babonneau
Administration :
Laurence Bonnet-Lericque
Communication :
Tél. (33) 1 44 27 62 36