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MATériaux, InterfaceS, Surfaces, Environnement

Oxysulfures nanométriques : nouvelles approches synthétiques pour le contrôle des propriétés magnétiques et du band-gap

Axe 2 - Matériaux multifonctionnels et environnement

Thèse de Clément Larquet

Travail de recherche commencé le 1er octobre 2015.

Soutenance le mardi 25 septembre 2018 à 14h
Collège de France (Salle 2)
11 Place Marcelin Berthelot
75231 Paris

Laboratoires co-porteurs


The first part of this thesis is dedicated to lanthanide oxysulfides Ln2O2S. In the bibliographic introduction, the history and properties of the bulk compounds are presented. The reaction conditions of the syntheses of Ln2O2S nanoparticles are then detailed. Gd2O2S nanoparticles are obtained via a synthesis in organic medium using Gd(acac)3, S8 and Na(oleate). Unsupported Ce2O2S nanoparticles are obtained for the first time by keeping the nanoparticles under inert atmosphere from the synthesis to the storage. The solid solution between Gd and Ce enables the formation of (Gd,Ce)2O2S nanoparticles. Their surface and their optical and magnetic properties are studied. For the first time, a formation mechanism with nucleation and growth steps is proposed. The alkaline source which is crucial for the crystallization is still debated; the mechanistic study unveiled a new role of formation of oleate aliphatic bilayers. A second part deals with the transition metal oxysulfides. After a quick introduction on the bulk phases, the scarce nanoscaled compounds are presented. The synthesis of Ln2O2S nanoparticles used in the first part is transposed to p- and d- block transition metals. Because of the differences in the coordination modes of the metals, the transposition is challenging but promising results were obtained with several metals. A last chapter is dedicated to the synthesis of nickel sulfides and oxysulfides at ambient temperature using a reactive complex of nickel and S8.


Autres types de publications


  • European Young Chemist Award 2018 (silver medal) at 7th EuCheMS2018 (European Chemical Sciences) for the quality of his research as a young scientist in the field of chemical sciences.

Interventions orales

  • 12/09/2016 : European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences Congress (EuCheMS), SEVILLE   
    Colloidal synthesis of oxysulfide nanoparticles (MxSyOz) toward new materials with tunable optical properties
    C. Larquet, B. Lassalle, Y. Klein, D. Portehault, L. Paulatto, A. Gauzzi, C. Sanchez, S. Carenco
  • 27/09/2018 : European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences Congress (EuCheMS), LIVERPOOL
    Cerium and sulfur oxidation mechanisms in (Gd,Ce)2O2S nanoparticles through XANES and NAP-XPS
    C. Larquet, A.-M. Nguyen, L. Tinat, B. Lassalle, J.-J. Gallet, F. Bournel, A. Gauzzi, C. Sanchez, S. Carenco
  • 28/09/2018 : European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences Congress (EuCheMS), LIVERPOOL
    Metal oxysulfide nanoparticles: unraveling their synthesis and properties towards optical, magnetic and catalytic applications
    C. Larquet, A. Gauzzi, C. Sanchez, S. Carenco
  • 29/09/2018 : European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences Congress (EuCheMS), LIVERPOOL
    Tuning the optical and magnetic properties of (Gd,Ce)2O2S oxysulfide nanoparticles through the Ce:Gd ratio
    C. Larquet, A.-M. Nguyen, C. Maheu, C. Géantet, D. Hrabovsky, Y. Li, Y. Klein, L. Paulatto,  A. Gauzzi, C. Sanchez, S. Carenco"   

Présentations posters   

  • 13/06/2016 : Journée des doctorants IMPMC, PARIS
    New Phases of Metal Oxysulfide (MxOySz) Nanomaterials with Tunable Band-Gap
    C. Larquet, B. Lassalle, D. Portehault, L. Paulatto, A. Gauzzi, C. Sanchez, S. Carenco
  • 19/06/2016 : Ecole d'été C'Nano IDF, ETIOLLES
    Colloïdal synthesis of oxysulfide nanoparticles (MxSyOz)  with tunable magnetic and optical properties.
    C. Larquet, B. Lassalle, D. Portehault, L. Paulatto, A. Gauzzi, C. Sanchez, S. Carenco
  • 20/06/2016 : Journée du Labex Matisse, PARIS
    New Phases of Metal Oxysulfide (MxOySz) Nanomaterials with Tunable Band-Gap
    C. Larquet, B. Lassalle, D. Portehault, L. Paulatto, A. Gauzzi, C. Sanchez, S. Carenc


Traductions :

    MATISSE en chiffres

    • 4 disciplines : Chimie, Physique, Sciences de la Terre, Patrimoine
    • 400 permanents



    Florence Babonneau



    matisse @



    Emmanuel Sautjeau

    emmanuel.sautjeau @