Development of a new generation of electrodes for biofuel cells by direct electron transfer
Axe 3 - Interfaces, transport and reactivity
Thèse De Achraf Blout
Soutenue le 30 septembre 2017.
Laboratoire co-porteurs
- Laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface (LRS)
Porteuse de projet : Claude Jolivalt - Laboratoire Interfaces et Systèmes Electrochimiques (LISE)
Co-encadrants : Hubert Perrot, Alain Pailleret
The most efficient biofuel cells to date require the presence of a redox mediator, a small electro-active molecule able to shuttle electrons between the surface of the electrode and the enzymes catalysing the redox reactions occurring at electrodes. However, these mediators are always toxic and therefore hardly compatible with
implantable devices. The goal of this project is to focus on the direct electron transfer between enzymes and the electrode thus avoiding the use of redox mediators. Two directions will be investigated: the first one is then development of nanostructured carbon electrodes with a high specific surface area and producing subsequently a
high current density. The second one aims at controling the orientation of the enzyme covalently grafted on the electrode surface so as to optimize the direct electron transfer. The characterisation of this latter as well as diffusional limitations will be also studied by using electrochemical methods.
- Achraf Blout, Florence Billon, Christophe Calers, Christophe Méthivier, Alain Pailleret et al.
Orientation of a Trametes versicolor laccase on amorphous carbon nitride coated graphite electrodes for improved electroreduction of dioxygen to water
Electrochimica Acta, Elsevier, 2018, 277, pp.255 - 267.
DOI : 10.1016/j.electacta.2018.04.145
Ref HAL : hal-01803301v1
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