MRI study of alumina support impregnation by aqueous, metal salt solutions
Axe 3 - Interfaces, transport et réactivité
Post-doctorat de Agnieszka Nowacka
Projet mené du 15/09/2014 au 14/03/2016.
Poste actuel : ___
Laboratoires co-porteurs
- Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris
Porteur de projet : Flavien Guenneau
Co-encadrant : Antoine Gedeon - IFP Energie Nouvelle
Co-encadrant : Anne-Agathe Quoineaud, Mathieu Rolland
Projet de recherche
An improved performance and refining of heterogeneous catalysts are major challenges, especially for their application to non-fossil resources. Among the technical and scientific challenges identified, understanding the phenomena occurring on the inner surface of the oxide supports during the dry impregnation step is essential. The aim of this study is to rationalize the role of the media (porosity, texture, connectivity) on phenomena such as the spread of species during impregnation. This is to be done by MRI in situ study of the impregnation of metal salts in alumina supports. Technique optimization, in terms of resolution and signal-to-noise (S / N), is planned in order to establish the conditions for a quantitative analysis of the images.
Résultats scientifique
An improved experimental routine has benne established, that is permitting better comparison of the obtained results. The results previously obtained on the project and wrote an article (now submitted to an international journal) have been confirmed. The results are pertinent to catalyst preparation process. A matLab code for data analysis has been written. The LCMCP and IFP Energies Nouvelles are working on other methods of data analysis.
- A. Nowacka, J. Moughames, Z. Adem, Anne-Agathe Quoineaud, Matthieu Rolland et al.
In situ magnetic resonance imaging study of the impregnation of gamma-alumina pellets
Applied Catalysis A : General, Elsevier, 2015, 503, pp.111-116.
DOI : 10.1016/j.apcata.2015.07.014
HAL Ref : hal-01256410v1
Présentation orale et poster
- EUROMAR 2015 (poster)
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MATISSE en chiffres
- 4 disciplines : Chimie, Physique, Sciences de la Terre, Patrimoine
- 400 permanents
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