Le Professeur Bo Liedberg invité conjointement par les LabEx MATISSE et MiChemActing Dean, Interdisciplinary Graduate School

Bo Liedberg is professor of Materials Science at the School of Materials Science and Enginering (MSE), NTU. He joined NTU as a full faculty in 2012 after having spent three years as visiting professor at MSE (on leave from Linköping University, LiU, Sweden). Liedberg has been involved in setting up a new, university wide, initiative on Biomimetic Sensor Science jointly with faculties at NTU, and he is currently the director of the Center for Biomimetic Sensor Science (CBSS). Liedberg is also serving as the Dean of Interdisciplinary Graduate School. Liedberg has also been extensively involved in setting up international cooperations and joint enducational programmes.
Bo Liedberg is a surface physicist/chemist by training, and he has a long experience in surface vibrational spectroscopy, in particular for the analysis of thin molecular films and self assembled architectures on solid supports. During 1985-2005 he was heavily involved in studies of self-assembled monolayers on noble metals, and he has published numerous papers/reviews on their structural characterization and bioanalytical/biomedical applications.
He has also been the Lead-PI for a strong activity in bio and chemical sensing at LiU. This work started in early 1980's when he and colleagues developed the surface plasmon resonance-based detection principle which today is one of the cornerstones in the Biospecific Interaction Analysis (BIAcore) system advertised by Ge-Healthcare. His research focus since then has been on optical sensors and micro/nanoarraying based on surface plasmon, ellipsometric and reflectometric transduction/imaging principles. Most of his current activities are devoted to biomimetics and the development of new and robust sensor technology for field testing, e.g. of food bourne toxins and biomarkers for infectious diseases.
Liedberg has published more than 290 papers/reviews in peer-reviewed international Journals and Magazines.
Egalement dans la rubrique
MATISSE en chiffres
- 4 disciplines : Chimie, Physique, Sciences de la Terre, Patrimoine
- 400 permanents
Florence Babonneau
Emmanuel Sautjeau